Website Designers in Zambia

Website Designers in Zambia

Looking for Website Designers in Zambia?

Data Axis Node are the number one website designers in Zambia. When you sign up with us and provide us with data such as a company profile, we will design you three paged WordPress website. The pages will be Home page, About Us page and the Contact Us page. But in the long run, we would like you to take control with updates such as emails, posts, pages and design etc. We will offer support during that period.

Pages and PostsHosted on Data Axis NodeHosted elsewhere
Home, About and ContactsK300 (K100 per page or post)K1,500
Email CustomizationK50K500 per email
Client SpecifiedK500 per Page or PostK1000 per Page or Post
Services for E-Commerce is for setup only. Payment Gateway not included.